Bangkok's Top Martial Arts School

POM GYM is one of Bangkok’s leading martial arts school specializing in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu / Mixed Martial Arts / Muay Thai programs. Our goal is to help you master martial arts for self-defense and weight loss.

Courses start from 600 Baht per session or 3,499 Baht for an unlimited course per month. We have plenty of promotions every month!

Find our schedule here and promotions here.

폼짐은 당신의 주짓수, 무에타이, 체중감량, 호신술을 돕습니다.


POM GYM building
POM GYM crew

Our Classes

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu (BJJ)

Brazilian jiu-jitsu (BJJ) is a combat technique and martial art which focuses on submission holds and ground fighting. BJJs uses skills and techniques to gain dominance, control and knock down opponents. Some skills include getting opponents into submission through stranglehold or joint locks.

BJJ empowers weaker person in a fight by distributing weights combined with using several holds and submission to defend oneself and defeat larger and heavier opponents. BJJ, as a sport grappling, is particularly useful in self-defense situations.

POM GYM offers one-to-one and group BJJ classes from Monday to Saturday. You can choose between a BJJ Gi (players wear cotton kimono as a sportswear) and BJJ No-Gi (any sportswear is acceptable).

Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu championship
Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu championship

Muay Thai

The term Muay Thai or Thai boxing comes from Thai มวย “boxing” and the nation “Thai.” Muay Thai originated from the ancient kingdom of Sukhothai and received influence from western boxing practice. Muay Thai is also called the “art of the 8 joints,” since it uses 8 points of contact: elbows, punches, kicks, and knees. 

POM GYM offers one-to-one and group Muay Thai classes from Monday to Saturday. 

muay thai championship
muay thai